How To Guides Print On Demand

How To Sell Photos & Art On Redbubble

Redbubble Tags Research

Lets talk about how to sell photos and art on Redbubble, so you can earn some extra income. You could start making money on Redbubble today just using the photos you have on your phone. Have an artistic streak? Then upload your artwork to merchandise on Redbubble.

If you are not familiar with Redbubble, it's a print on demand platform that allows you to upload designs and sell them as merchandise. All you do is upload your design, photo or artwork and they take care of everything else. Redbubble will advertise, print and ship your design on a wide selection of items such as t shirts, stickers and art prints.

There is no need for any stock to be held as all the items are printed to order. Every time Redbubble sell one of your designs you make money. Its even free to register and there are no monthly fees, sounds great right? Read on to find out how to get started.

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Selling On Redbubble

The clever thing about selling on Redbubble is that you can upload any of your own designs, photos or artwork to the platform. They don't need to be any specific size as long as they are good quality. Also your photos and artwork remain in your ownership.

You can even just upload interesting photos that you have taken on your phone. They could be from past holidays and trips were you have been snap happy. Alternatively you could take them specifically of eye catching things at home, in the garden or the local area.

For example, I uploaded a picture I had taken years ago skiing in France. Surprisingly it made its first sale within just 6 days. It was just a scenic picture of the French alps that I had taken on a Samsung S7 smartphone.

However don't worry if your artistic side is not great, you can make money on Redbubble without being an artist or graphic designer.

This little video below created by Redbubble might help to get you in the mood.

Register On Redbubble To Start Selling

So setting up an account to sell on Redbubble is pretty straight forward, just head on over to Redbubble and register. Its totally free to register as an seller/artist and you can get started uploading straight away.

Account Confirmation

Before you can make your artwork available for sale, you'll need to confirm your email address. Head on over to your Account Details page and click on Confirm Your E-mail Address. You should receive a confirmation email shortly.

Payment Options

To complete your account set up, make sure you choose a payment option that works for you and is available in your country. You'll also need to pick a currency (which cannot be changed once selected) and choose from the tax options. When you’re happy with your choices, hit Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Your Avatar

Now it’s time to add some personality to your profile! Your avatar will help people recognize you across Redbubble. I suggest using an image, photo or other graphic icon that represents your store.

I recommend using an image that's 100x100 pixels for best results.

Your Cover Photo

Cover photos are a great opportunity to make a lasting first impression and tell a story that reflects your individual style. If you are struggling, why not head over to and get a free photo to use.

Cover photos must be 2400 px wide by 600 px high and in JPEG or PNG format. You can add a cover image straight from your profile. To remove it, click the ‘Edit’ link. Keep in mind this can only be done from the desktop version of the site.

More info can be found on Redbubble set up here:

Great you are now all set up on Redbubble.

How To Upload Photos And Art To Redbubble

Once you have registered on Redbubble head over to the "Add New Work" section and select upload to all products. Find the photo or art that you want to sell, you can do this on mobile but it is much easier on a laptop or large tablet.

Redbubble upload

Once you have tweaked the layout of your photo or art, then you just need to add a title and keyword tags.

Title: Make sure your keywords are in the main title.

Tags: Any words you think somebody might search for when looking for a design like yours. I will go into this in more detail further on.

Description: Same again make your design look professional with a good description with all your keywords in.

Background Color: You can change the background color for every item here at the top or leave it black to change each item individually.

Add artwork to redbubble

The hardest part of selling designs on Redbubble is that you need to go through each product and make sure that the layout is correct. In the Redbubble uploader it will show you your design on every product is sells. It is very important that you tweak each one as it will never be correct on them all.

How To Make Money On Redbubble?

The great thing about Redbubble is that once you have uploaded a design you don't need to do anything else. This means you can earn passive income with Redbubble, do the work once and get paid forever.

Redbubble gives you total control over what you sell your art for. Currently Redbubble artists actually earn an average margin of 17% of the retail price, but whether it is 10% or 30%, you get to decide. If you just leave the standard settings it will be at 20%.

Base Price + Your Margin = Retail Price

Summary - Should You Sell On Redbubble?

Selling on Redbubble is a great way to earn passive income. Ironically I just got a Redbubble "You've Made A Sale" notification while writing this blog. You can easily get started today, they key thing with print on demand platforms like Redbubble is volume. Its very much a numbers game, the more you upload the more you sell and the higher your designs start to rank.

Find out more about how to optimize your Redbubble listing to get the best chances of selling on my other blog post.

Redbubble Tags – How To Increase Your Ranking

If you want to find out how to make proper designs rather than just uploading photos then check out my other blog post.

Beginners T Shirt Design Guide For Merch By Amazon & Redbubble


Experienced Print On Demand and eCommerce entrepreneur. I have been successfully making money online since 2005 and continue to explore new ideas. I love to learn new strategies for online passive income and share them with others.

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